Holiness or Hell
Holiness or Hell. There is no in-between. I grew up so fearful I was going to Hell. Every time there was an altar call, I would sit in my seat and do 12 Hail Mary’s (Church of God in Christ
Holiness or Hell. There is no in-between. I grew up so fearful I was going to Hell. Every time there was an altar call, I would sit in my seat and do 12 Hail Mary’s (Church of God in Christ
“When God delays, He always delays for a greater purpose.” – Dr Tony Evans. Sometimes it feels like my life is on repeat. I ask God, “Did I flunk, and now I have to do it all over again? Or
I used to imagine… I would wake up, well rested and go to school, then participate in after-school activities like my peers. I would go to sporting games, not because I liked them or understood them, but because all my
I want to run from what feels too big and unfixable! I want to run to my closet with two sweet potato pies and a large liter of Pepsi! Sometimes we can’t change all the stuff in our lives that
Facing the unknown gives some an adrenaline rush, excites them and causes unimaginable goosebumps; for me, it’s totally opposite. I can work in a very quiet, predictable environment, no need for music unless it’s very low, almost to the point
Time progresses but does the word of God change to fit 2019/2020? “Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God?” James 4:4 “Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for
He didn’t heal my loved one; He allowed this divorce; He didn’t answer my prayer request. I’m confused, the Bible invited me to ask, but He said no. He said to make my requests known, only to say no. Why? What did I do
If you think you have to be perfect for God to use you, you’re wrong. God is looking for crazy, unbalanced, flawed people so He can give them HIS stamp of approval. Even if you’ve been to prison, served jail
“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me (trust me) in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out